

24 January 2017

In 1986 there was an explosion in the Ukraine nuclear power plant, the explosion was from 30 to 40 x stronger than the atomic bomb thrown at Hiroshima / Nagasaki.


The main isotopes released during the disaster: 137Cs, 134Cs, 90Sr, 89Sr. To eliminate the contamination about 500 000 tons of zeolite / clinoptilolite mainly / from various deposits has been used.

The clinoptilolite was used for:

Decontamination of radioactive waste water (Cs and Sr radioisotopes), construction of protective barriers when applied to the soil, decontamination of drinking water (river Dnieper), adding to the feed for dairy cows (10% clinoptilolite – the reduction of Cs in milk), pills for human purposes, adding to the chocolates and biscuits.

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