
Zeolite effects when solving low precipitations in vinery

06 December 2017

Zeolite originated in the Nižný Hrabovec quarry was used in the experiment in grapevine cultivation aimed at solving moisture availability for grapevine root system within entire vegetation period. 

Zeolite effects when solving low precipitations in vinery

Vinery specialists from company Chateau Modra applied natural Zeolite – clinoptilolite in the experiment dated 2017 at the vinery center Nebojsa, district Galanta. Monitored vinery was planted up in 2002 with blue variety Alibernet, plants spacing 3 x 1 m, hanging-type guiding. In this area, the grapevine has been subject to hydro-stress caused by lack of moisture in the soil, resulting from geological structure of bedrock.  Geological structure of bedrock comprises of Neogene sediments located 20 m under the covering quaternary sediments. Neogene consists of clay-sand sediments and Post-Tertiary era is represented by sediments of the rivers Váh and Dudváh, creating gravel sand covered on the surface with continuous layer of bottom-land flooding soil and fine-, up to medium-grained sand. Quaternary river gravel sand is typical with high horizontal and vertical permeability that varies profoundly even in short distances, expressed with local and isolated water logging following a storm rainfall. Thus, if it rains, water quickly disappears – seeps into deeper soil and grapevine suffers lack of moisture present in soil.

Compared to long-term standard, year 2017 was typical with precipitation deprivation. Precipitation deficit reached 60.2 mm during the first nine months (Jan– Sept). A few consecutive weeks in May, June and August were extremely scarce for precipitation, while these are periods of key importance with regard to fertile grapevine phenophases.

Zeolite was flooded into the soil on the area of 2.5 hectares in April 2017 at the vinery and a hectare served for control. Before harvesting, 10 bushes of each variety were independently and completely picked (experiment, check) including evaluation of the grapevine condition, number of bunches on the bush, number of fruits and weight of bunches. Equal units as for structure were chosen for the analysis.  

Zeolite applied in the soil positively influenced moisture availability for the grapevine root system during the vegetation. Improved water regime on the ground with applied resulted in higher harvest per a bush (+1.2 kg). The bush contained more bunches, by 6 bunches more in average compared to the check status. Differences in other analyzed parameters were: average number of fruit on the bunch and weight per a fruit expressed the same finding of better harvest on the ground with applied Zeolite into the soil in simply other form. Chemical parameters of squeezed cider were the same in both parameters: sugar  – 19 ° NM, acids 7.2 g/ l of cider.

Considering extreme variations in precipitation during last three years, Zeolite seems as a suitable ecological preparation to solve moisture availability in the grapevine root system. The Zeolite is indeed perspective also in wine industry. A few scientific studies confirmed that Zeolite is able to solve oenologic problems encountered during white wine production. Inertia and adsorption ability of Zeolite was used for capturing of toxins and undesirable taste and odor in wine. This is another blog contribution topic, though.

Source: Gabel, B. (2018). Natural solution of soil humidity harmonization. Grapevine and wine, 1, 7 – 10.

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