

Smart zeolite fertilizers effectively dose nutrition for all types of plants

Smart zeolite fertilizers effectively dose nutrition for all types of plants

06 December 2017

Zeolite fertilizers are fertilizers with gradual release of nutrients. These fertilizers contain an active mineral zeolite – clinoptilolite which binds water and nutrients in its internal structure and enables their gradual release into the soil at a slower rate and a more efficient utilization of both elements by the vegetation system.

ZeoTraction increases winter road maintenance effectiveness

ZeoTraction increases winter road maintenance effectiveness

06 December 2017

Weather effects are perceived much more in winter season than during the rest of the year, because of condition of roads, pavements, parking areas and public premises.

Zeolite effects when solving low precipitations in vinery

Zeolite effects when solving low precipitations in vinery

06 December 2017

Zeolite originated in the Nižný Hrabovec quarry was used in the experiment in grapevine cultivation aimed at solving moisture availability for grapevine root system within entire vegetation period. 

Conference Zeolite 2018

Conference Zeolite 2018

06 December 2017

Producers, academic community and clients from the whole world met at the conference Zeolite 2018 held in Krakow, Poland.

Conference Zeolite 2018

Conference Zeolite 2018

06 December 2017

We prepared an accompanying program for participants of the conference Zeolite 2018 in Krakow, associated with the visit of Zeolite quarry at Nižný Hrabovec.

Investment of the Year 2019 – New Crushing and Sorting Line

Investment of the Year 2019 – New Crushing and Sorting Line

06 December 2017

We´ve been intensely working on production modernization and expansion of production capacity for a few years in company Zeocem, a.s.

The pool filtration with a usage of the filtration material ZeoAqua

The pool filtration with a usage of the filtration material ZeoAqua

24 January 2017

The pure water in the pool is not only a question of aesthetic experience, but, first and foremost, it is a matter of keeping the water healthy, free of microbes, germs, and odors. There are different techniques and procedures used to achieve it. Today, we will take a look at what zeolite is capable of achieving during water purification.



24 January 2017

In 1986 there was an explosion in the Ukraine nuclear power plant, the explosion was from 30 to 40 x stronger than the atomic bomb thrown at Hiroshima / Nagasaki.

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Video ZeoFeed

Video ZeoFeed®

Inspiring video showing the effects of the ZeoFeed® product on the digestive tract of animals.

Video Zeocem

Video Zeocem

A view inside the factory, where the mining and processing of zeolite takes place.

Video Zeolite

Video Zeolit

What is zeolite clinoptilolite and examples of its use in industry and agriculture.