
Nueva línea de micronización para la producción del producto ZeoCem Micro

01 Junio 2023

A new production line for the production of zeolite powder

Nueva línea de micronización para la producción del producto ZeoCem Micro

The new production line for micronised zeolites was launched in January 2023

We produce M50 and M20 fractions on the new line. Its installation has also allowed us to expand our assortment of ground micronised zeolites to include the new M15 and M10 fraction. Our annual production capacity for micronised zeolites has reached the capacity of 31,500 t/year. The main production components consist of an air dynamic sorter, filter, fan and interconnecting pipes.

Production line for zeolite powder sorting

The production facility is set up in a way that allows us to focus on the production quality and to maintain constant parameters during the entire production process. Our quality department is available 24/7, with checks on the quality of the materials carried out at the input, in the inter-operational process and at the output stage. All our reports regarding quality are archived and available for customers.

The micronised products can be distributed packed on a palette, in big bags or in tanks. The palletised goods and big bags are shipped in special packages, with an internal protective layer that guarantees the declared humidity of up to 2% or up to 6% is maintained during the entire distribution process, up to the final use by the consumer. 

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